It was suggested that the low intensity of the Zone A matches would affect them, that their horses would not reach the final with the desired rhythm, and so many other things. How many speculations like these have we heard over the years in the week leading up to the Argentine Open final? The reality 

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This year’s first Triple Crown final is on the horizon, as unbelievable as it may seem, because usually, by November 9—the date of the final—two Triple Crown titles would usually have been claimed. While the series of tournaments got off to a tricky start, with suspensions due to poor weather conditions, it seemed that the 

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With the final of the Gold Cup in Sotogrande, the European polo season begins to draw to a close. But what a season it was! With many highlights over the last four months, there are several topics to discuss.   FACUNDO PIERES: #1 WORLD RANKING After several years of Adolfo Cambiaso’s dominance in the World 

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