The championship match of the Queen’s Cup between Talandracas and La Dolfina Great Oaks took place on Sunday June 16, at Guards Polo Club, with the Carmignac’s family’s lineup victorious 12-11 with a goal produced by Polito Pieres in the last seconds of play. PoloLine had the opportunity to meet Polito, the team’s captain, to speak about his feelings on this new title, the second Queen’s Cup for Talandracas, following the one in 2011, and his third on his personal achievements.


“La Dolfina Great Oaks got off to a stronger start”, stated Polito. “They are a great team, with Poroto very solid, playing very well. We tried to manage the situation the best we could, we knew it would be a very tough final and we did know we weren’t playing that good; thoroghout four chukkas we struggled, we remained two or three goals behind. But we tried not to get mad at it, and we were able to bounce back in the last two chukkas. That was our momentum; we played better, we produced many goals. Huguito (NR: Hughes Carmignac) didn’t score, but the contributed a lot, he was very much into the game and helped a lot. Ale (NR: Alejandro Muzzio) and Rocho (NR: Rosendo Torreguitar), also produced great goals”.


With regards to the last minute play and his goal, he added: “It was terrific; we were in control, but I would have told Rocho to hit the ball; well, we didn’t and Ale picked the ball. He got a fall, they should have stopped there, but they didn’t. Fortunately, the mare was OK, we were lucky, we were very lucky indeed. I lost too many finals due to bad luck, and now I am winning many, so I can say I am enjoying this a lot, because it is not easy to win. There are days one play very good and even lose a final. In my experience, even if you don’t play that good, you always have to win that final”.


Polito, who won three of the four finals of the Queen’s Cup he played, concludes: “Having won the Queen’s Cup is still unbelievable. I am very thankful to both Edouard and Hughes Carmignac for their confidence, for trusted me. In 2022, they hired me to play the Gold Cup; this is our third year together, so I am very grateful to Talandracas for trusting me, and made me the team’s captain”.