A new Triple Crown in Argentina, the most prestigious polo trophy worlwide, is set and ready to start on Tuesday September 24. As usual, it is composed by the highest rated competitions – Hurlingham Open, Tortugas Open and the Argentine Polo Open Championship, the culminating moment of the year, that brings the most awaited championship match by both fans and players, which is due on Saturday December 7, at the mighty Palermo.


The 131st. Hurlingham Open will open fire. The tournament will be played on single elimination at the Argentine Association of Polo Headquarters, in Pilar (quarter finals), Palermo (semifinals) and the Hurlingham Club (final). The Tortugas Open will follow, to be played entirely at the Tortugas Country Club. Last but not least, the much anticipated Argentine Open; the most important polo tournament of the world will be played entirely at Palermo, unlike the past two years, when the two first matchdates were held in Pilar. The two former will see eight teams, partake, who will be joined by other two in the Open, through the qualification tournament.


Among the most significant news of the 2024 season, it is worth to notice that all of the games of the Triple Crown will be played at eight chukkas, as announced by the AAP last July 19. Moreover, 2024 will mark the comeback of Indios Chapaleufu, in a lineup that include the new generation of players from the remarkable Heguy family, with Antonio Heguy and Cruz Heguy, the sons of Pepe and Ruso Heguy. Both Pepe and Ruso have been winners of the Argentine Open on four occassions, wearing the Indios Chapaleufu II jersey.  Meanwhile, Ellerstina, will showcase a brand new lineup, that will have only one member of the Pieres family, Gonzalito. He will be joined by Lukin Monteverde, Guillermo Caset and South African Ignatious du Plessis. The other two Pieres brothers are split in different teams – Facundo will continue in La Natividad and will defend the Argentine Open title, while Nicolás will challenge himself by playing the qualification tournament with Sébastien Aguettant French-based foursome, Kazak.


Another very significant attraction is La Hache, the third rated team with 36 goals, and who recently won the 59th. Jockey Club Open for the Thai Polo Cup. Hilario Ulloa’s organisation will present a second team, La Hache Cría & Polo, as well as La Dolfina, with Cría La Dolfina. While Diego Cavanagh and Alejo Taranco remain within the lineup, there will be two new additions – the young and talented Rufino Bensadon and Bautista Bayugar.


And the ice of the cake is the return of the two 40-goal teams – La Natividad and La Dolfina. It’s worth to notice that these two and La Ensenada are the three only teams who will feature the same lineups as in 2023.


Therefore, the coveted Triple Crown will commence on Tuesday September 24, with the 131st. Hurlingham Open. The opening day, in Pilar, will have the following order of play:


1,30pm: La Natividad vs. La Hache Cría & Polo

4pm: La Hache Polo Team vs. Cría La Dolfina


The final of the 131st. Hurlingham Open is set to be played on Saturday October 5.


131° Hurlingham Open – Fixture & Teams