Both Rhone Hill and Ayala claimed titles on Sunday, June 27, winning their respective finals to secure the first edition of the Spanish Open at Ayala, in Sotogrande. Rhone Hill won the 8-6 goal title, while Ayala took the 12-14 goal.
This season marks a new era for polo in Sotogrande, with Ayala acting as the main host of the action. The club is supported by Minuto Siete, Dos Lunas Polo & Dressage Club, and Santa María Polo Club. This season promises to be a memorable one, running through to the end of August, the month when the high goal returns to Sotogrande.
Final Standings:
Spanish Open: 6-8 goal
- Rhone Hill
- La Pausa
- Isolas
- Horseware
- Los Schatzies
- Agua Caliente
- Nalu Pulu
- La Maroma
MVP: Segundo Fernández Llorente
BPP: Gamuza, ridden by Segundo Ferández Llorente
Fair Play: Nicholas Kosmatos
Spanish Open: 12-14 goal
- Ayala
- Manila Standard
- La Maroma
- Dos Lunas
MVP: Martín Espain
BPP: Palomo, ridden by Martín Iturraspe
Fair Play: Marco Baldocchi