Alice and her camera have been a familiar sight in the polo scene since 2002. Her work has been published internationally in newspapers, books, websites and on the covers of numerous polo publication.
The inspiration to start creating Fine Art Photography images came in 2005, from a photograph of Alice’s own polo mare. She produced ‘Nicotina’ in a triptych format, a striking piece that has become one of her most sought after polo pony images.
Since then she has captured impressive images of famous polo ponies, such as Don Urbano Rolinga.
Her love of Argentina and the traditional gaucho way of life shines through in her work. Gaucho rodeos provide an array of incredible photography subjects; from traditional intricate silver bridlework detail, to the gritty, raw action of the jineteada. These events provide her with endless inspiration. One of her most famous pieces is the ‘Tropillas’; the magical moment was captured at the El Talar festival, one of the biggest gatherings of gauchos and their horses, held every October in Argentina. This magnificent piece was gifted to HRH Prince Harry in 2017 by the Singapore Polo Club.
More recently, Alice has directed her artistic skills towards creating dramatic pony portraits and polo action images. Whether it’s producing the perfect line up of an entire polo string, or highly effective action shots that stand out, she uses a wide range of traditional and modern printing materials to many options of spectacular polo themed wall art.
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