La Aguada Polo Club, the Novillo Astrada family’s club, located in Open Door, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is set and ready for the 2024 spring season, that will kick off on Saturday September 28 and will run until Friday December 6.


The season will be composed of five tournaments; among them is the club’s flagship competition, the Julio Novillo Astrada Cup, for teams up to 22 goals. The Julio Novillo Astrada Cup has been played since 2004 and it’s a tribute to the club’s founder, don Julio Novillo Astrada. Also, there will be the traditional ladies tournament, La Aguada Ladies Cup, already established as one of the most important ladies contests within the Argentine spring season.


The calendar dates of the spring season at La Aguada Polo Club are the following:


The Polo Agency (TPA) Series – La Aguada (10 goal)

September 29 – October 6

– XV Ladies Cup LGS AAP Ladies Grand Series Stage 1

October 7-15

– XV Spring Cup (14 goal)

November 5-14

– Julio Novillo Astrada Cup (22 goal)

November 11-15

– IV International Trophy

November 30-December 6