Among the positive news that are coming from England everyday with regards to the near future of polo, tournaments as well as teams and players who will be in competition, there are also some good news about how activities will be developed. And Guards Polo Club inaugurated a renewed ground three, known as The Princes’ Ground, which has been completely refurbished
“The idea is to use The Princes’ Ground for all levels of polo. It was a 3/4 ground, not a regular size. So we moved a large part to adapt it to the official measures and now it is the biggest ground in England so far. It also has a drainage, we put 3,500 tons of sand; our aim was to have the world’s best ground, and leveled through laser. I did some stick-and-ball on it, and it’s pretty impressive. Despite Flemish Farm is one of the best grounds in England, to me, this is the best”, says Anthony Fanshawe, Guards Polo Club Polo Manager.
But beyond the positive impact this ground will bring to the games and the possibility to enjoy the best from the polo players, it was Clive Reid, patron of AFB Polo Team who made big news. Reid, an avid polo fan, had the honour to be the first to stick-and-ball on the brand new ground. And the most remarkable achievement was that he donated £ 20,000 to two charities – DASH (Domestic Abuse Stops Here, a charity against domestic violence) and the Wexham Park Hospital.
Following the experience, Reid spoke to PoloLine: “The field is amazing and In great condition. And mostly, it feels so good to me to be able to help two charities which both do such good work and need to be supported.“
And he added: “AFB will play the Archie David and the Holden White and all the other exciting club tournament at Guards Polo Club. Guards Polo Club is very special to me, as it is part of my life for so many years and a truly great place”.
With the addition of The Princes’ Ground, Guards Polo Club is ready to provide the best facilities to greet the most prestigious tournaments, such as the Queen’s Cup or the Royal Windsor Cup. “Polo is better played on good grounds, and we need more grounds like this in England. Now we just need Facu Pieres and Cambiaso to come to stick-and-ball and put the ice on the cake”, concludes Fanshawe.