The 2024 edition of the polo season in Sotogrande, hosted by Ayala Polo Club for the fourth consecutive year in a row, commenced on Tuesday May 28, with the Copa Bienvenida Ke Sotogrande that sees eight teams up to 8 goals, partake. The championship match will be played on Sunday June 2.


Meanwhile, a tournament meeting was held on Monday, with representatives of the eight participant teams in attendance. The meeting served to oversee the rules to be applied, and allowed the players to expose their doubts to the tournament’s referee, Federico Martelli. Following the meeting, an official photo was taken, with one member from each team – Diogo Gallego (Dany’s Polo), Marcelo Pascual (Ventidue), Daniel Gariador (Pampa y La Vía), Dirk Baumgartner (Dusseldorf), Kaveh Atrak (Real Club Pineda), Zaki Bouslikhane (Agadir Polo), Santos Iriarte (Los Schatzies) and Gonzalo López Vargas (Rhone Hill).


The 2024 season at Ayala Polo Club will host a total of ten tournaments, kicking off with the Copa Bienvenida Ke Sotogrande, on Tuesday May 28. Polo in Sotogrande will come to an end on Sunday September 15, with the finals of the Copa Despedida. The highlight of the season will be the 53rd. International Polo Tournament, and the three traditional competitions – Bronze Cup (Monday July 22-Saturday July 27); Silver Cup (July 29-August 17): and Gold Cup (August 19-30).


Copa Bienvenida Ke Sotogrande – Tuesday May 28:


DUSSELDORF: Dirk Baumgartner 0, Kevin Korst 1, Estanislao Grahn 3, Tomás Iriarte 4. Total: 8.

VENTIDUE: Sina Albrecht -1, Andreas Kelly -1, Marcelo Pascual 4, Agustín Canale 5. Total: 8.

Umpire: Federico Martelli.


The Copa Bienvenida Ke Sotogrande will resume on Wednesday May 29, with the following order of play:

10:30 h, ground 3, Ayala Polo Club: Los Schatzies vs Real Club Pineda

12:00 h,ground 1, Ayala Polo Club: Rhone Hill vs Pampa y La Vía

16:00 h, ground 2, Ayala Polo Club: Dany’s Polo vs Agadir Polo