Photo credit: Sonja Rommerskirch

Porsche Zentren Hamburg and Berenberg qualified for the final of the 22nd Berenberg German Polo Masters at Club Sylt, in Germany, following respective wins on Saturday, July 31.

The competition sees six teams, between 6-8 goals, compete. Many international players – such as Valentin Novillo Astrada, Tuki Ruiz Guiñazú, and the Laplacettes – as well as Germany’s Basti Schneberger and Brazil’s João Novaes, are vying for the title.



Saturday, July 31:

Polo Sylt 6-5 Hotel Stadt Hamburg

Berenberg 9-1 Laserhof/Dukelziffer

Porsche 4-3 Konig Sylt/Knack den Krebs


Finals day – Sunday, August 1 – ORDER OF PLAY:

1pm, 5th place: Polo Sylt vs. Hotel Stadt Hamburg

2,15pm, 3rd. place: Laserhof/Dukelziffer vs. Konig Sylt/Knack den Krebs

3,30pm,Final Berenberg German Polo Masters

Porsche Zentren Hamburg vs. Berenberg



Berenberg German Polo Masters: Saturday, July 21

Berenberg German Polo Masters: Teams & Fixture