Following the rain delay of the games that were due to be played through Saturday November 11 and Sunday November 12, for the 130th. Argentine Open, the Argentine Association of Polo (AAP), announced the reschedule of the most important tournament of the world. The competition is set to resume on Monday November 13 and Tuesday November 14.


The new dates have been set as follows: 


Monday November 13:

14:00 h: La Dolfina Saudi vs La Esquina

La Dolfina Saudi: Adolfo Cambiaso 10, David Stirling 10, Adolfo Cambiaso Jr. 10, Juan Martín. Nero 10. Total: 40.

La Esquina La Mascota: Pascual Sáinz de Vicuña 6, Cristian Laprida  8, Juan Zubiaurre 6, Ignacio Laprida 8. Total: 28.

Umpires: Gonzalo López Vargas & Hernán Tasso.                Third man: Matías Baibiene.


16:30 h: La Hache La Roca vs Cría La Dolfina

La Hache La Roca: Pablo Pieres 9, Hilario Ulloa 9, Guillermo Caset 9, Francisco Elizalde 9. Total: 36.

Cría La Dolfina: Guillermo Terrera 9, Tomás Panelo 9, Diego Cavanagh 8 y Alejo Taranco 9. Total: 35.

Umpires: Martín Aguerre & Guillermo Villanueva.              Third man: José Ignacio Araya.


Tuesday November 14:

14:00 h: La Natividad vs El Overo Z7 UAE

La Natividad: Facundo Pieres 9, Camilo Castagnola 10, Pablo Mac Donough 10, Bartolomé Castagnola Jr. 10. Total: 39.

El Overo Z7 UAE: Lucas Monteverde Jr. 7, Victorino Ruiz Jorba 7, Cruz Heguy 7, Teodoro Lacau 7. Total: 28.

Umpires: Gastón Lucero y Rafael Silva.                                        Third man:  Federico Martelli.


16:30 h: La Ensenada vs Ellerstina 

Ellerstina: Bautista Bayugar 8, Gonzalo Pieres Jr. 9, Nicolás Pieres 9, Ignatius du Plessis 9. Total: 35.

La Ensenada: Juan Britos  9, Alfredo Bigatti 9, Juan Martín Zubía 9, Jerónimo del Carril 8. Total: 35.

Umpires: Guillermo Villanueva & Gonzalo López Vargas.         Third man:  Matías Baibiene.


130th. ARGENTINE OPEN: Fixture & Teams