Between a sublime Indian fashion show and a spectacular ‘‘haute école’’ show by Mario Luraschi, the Polo de Chantilly gave a great moment of sport with the final of the Nobility for Ability Charity Cup, a match between two German teams with a victory to Los Nocheros.   ‘‘Coming to Chantilly is always a challenge 

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WARWICKSHIRE CUP The final of the Warwickshire Cup, for teams up to 22 goals, took place on Sunday at Cirencester Park. ROYAL WINDSOR CUP: MONTEROSSO 10-7 LES LIONS Monterosso: Alessandro Bazzoni 0, Juan Martín Zubía 6, Cubi Toccalino 8, Santiago Toccalino 8. Total: 22. Les Lions: Max Gottschalk 0, Joaquin Pittaluga 7, Guillermo Terrera 8, 

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