Science moves forward all the time, and it is indeed something that helps the polo industry. Around two months ago, on December 18 2024, scientists of Kheiron Biotech, developed the genes of a multi awarded mare. As a result, they obtained the birth of five foals, a pioneering achievement that put Argentina as the leader of equine genetics. However, this brought some controversy as well.
In order to develop this scientific achievement, Doña Sofía Polo and Alberto Pedro Heguy have chosen one of the most famous and multi awarded mares, Polo Pureza, who is also in the Hall of Fame of the Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Association.
But the Argentine Association of Polo (AAP) made an statement, that declares that “the AAP ratifies the commitment for a transparent and equal polo; therefore, horses genetically manipulated won’t be allowed to play any tournament”. The statement was published entirely on social media.
“As the government body of polo, the AAP informs that one of the objectives is to make sure that all horses participating in polo tournaments, must be equally competitive, as well as observe compliance of the rules to avoid horse doping by means of substances or methods, such as genetic editions and therapies which are not allowed worldwide. It is understood that worldwide this is considered a case of ´genetic doping´ , affecting the industry, putting at risk the business related to horses. In that sense, the AAP ratifies that, until the context it’s not changed internationally, the eventual use of horses genetically manipulated won’t be allowed by the AAP to play polo, either in official AAP tournaments or any club member of the AAP.
On the other side, the AAP will invite players, breeders and other public and private entities to work together to debate, investigate and make long term projects about new techiniques and their impact in the sport and the industry of polo, as well as establish proper rules’.
What are your thoughts on the matter?